
All posts tagged java

I wanted to play Minecraft on my 64-bit Ubuntu Linux install, but it wasn’t working correctly for me, and would give a black screen after login, and the console reported some errors about xrandr (which might be related to my odd “dual display-port + docking station” setup at home). After some searching, I found a tip to manually install the LWJGL java libraries into the ~/.minecraft/bin/ folder, to have the latest and greatest version of those libraries.

  1. Download the latest version zip archive of the LWJGL libraries:
  2. Extract downloaded zip archive
  3. Copy all files in lwjgl-2.9/jar/ to ~/.minecraft/bin/
  4. Copy all files in lwjgl-2.9/native/linux/ to ~/.minecraft/bin/natives/

And then you should be good to go.


Every stinkin’ time you have to update Java (which is every day it seems, since Java has more (security) holes than most Swiss cheese) it wants to install the stupid Ask Toolbar and take over your default search engine. Here’s a quick Windows registry fix that will apparently disable the installer from even asking you about the toolbar installation.

Another way, without having to download and rename or create a new .REG file, is to copy and paste the following two lines into an elevated CMD prompt:

reg add HKLM\software\javasoft /v "SPONSORS" /t REG_SZ /d "DISABLE" /f

reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft /v "SPONSORS" /t REG_SZ /d "DISABLE" /f

via Superuser: How can I prevent Toolbar from being installed every time Java is updated?