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I wanted to play Minecraft on my 64-bit Ubuntu Linux install, but it wasn’t working correctly for me, and would give a black screen after login, and the console reported some errors about xrandr (which might be related to my odd “dual display-port + docking station” setup at home). After some searching, I found a tip to manually install the LWJGL java libraries into the ~/.minecraft/bin/ folder, to have the latest and greatest version of those libraries.

  1. Download the latest version zip archive of the LWJGL libraries:
  2. Extract downloaded zip archive
  3. Copy all files in lwjgl-2.9/jar/ to ~/.minecraft/bin/
  4. Copy all files in lwjgl-2.9/native/linux/ to ~/.minecraft/bin/natives/

And then you should be good to go.


I work at a desk all day and enjoy listening to music while I work. I also occasionally play video games where it’s nice to have a microphone for the team chat. I don’t really like ear buds since they make my ears hurt, and the “on-ear” headphones that just press on your ears also hurt after a while. I never thought of myself as the “big headphones” guy, but on the suggestion of a friend I bought a pair of Koss SB49 headphones (not an affiliate link).

Koss SB49 headphones

They are the first pair of headphones I’ve tried that are actually comfortable enough to wear all day long. The cups are large enough to fit around my entire ear, so they only rest against my head, not pressing on my ears. The sound quality is most excellent (especially good bass response which is normally reduced on most headphones) and the microphone quality is top-notch too. Comes with a small volume adjust slider, and the cable has two plugs, one for the microphone and one for the speakers. It would be really nice to find an adapter cable to let me use this headphone+mic with a cellphone. Update! I’ve since found a great adapter cable to adapt these (and similar) computer headphones to use the TRRS plug needed by a cell phone’s external headset jack. This adapter is $16 on and has Prime shipping, and has worked very well for me on my MyTouch 4G Slide phone.